Bedroom Chests
If your in the market for an American Made custom bedroom chest we can build to suit your needs. Let our master craftsmen build you a narrow chest, or a very wide chest! Because we build solid hardwood furniture we can modify our designs to suit your needs. Amish Showroom can deliver our custom Amish furniture to Minneapolis MN, or any of the 48 States with our network of truck docks. We offer curbside and in home delivery upon request.
Featured Bedroom Chests
Showing 1–200 of 338 results
Abshire Chest ABC5
$2,938.00 Select options -
Addison Chest- AD 415D
$2,180.00 Select options -
Adrianna Chest of Drawers
$1,580.00 Select options -
Arlington Chest 2206
$2,462.00 Select options -
Artesa 11 Drawer Double Chest 055
$3,160.00 Select options -
Artesa 4 Drawer Childs Chest 032
$1,570.00 Select options -
Artesa 4 Drawer Media Chest 040-2
$1,980.00 Select options -
Artesa Blanket Chest 044
$1,262.00 Select options -
Artesa Chest 035
$1,776.00 Select options -
Artesa Chest 040
$1,994.00 Select options -
Artesa Chest 042
$2,222.00 Select options -
Artesa Chest 043
$2,348.00 Select options -
Artesa Child’s Chest 032-1
$1,776.00 Select options -
Artesa Gentleman’s Chest 062
$2,236.00 Select options -
Artesa His & Hers Chest 051
$2,710.00 Select options -
Artesa Lingerie Chest 023
$1,480.00 Select options -
Artesa Lingerie Chest 024
$1,570.00 Select options -
Artesa Media Dresser 032-2
$1,790.00 Select options -
Atlantic 5 Drawer Chest 035
$1,478.00 Select options -
Atlantic Chest 040
$1,734.00 Select options -
Beaumont Chest BM-435D
$2,562.00 Select options -
Beaumont Door Chest BM-431D
$2,896.00 Select options -
Belwright Door Chest
$2,958.00 Select options -
Berkshire Chest 9012
$2,038.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek 4 Drawer Child Chest 032
$1,400.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 023-1-4
$1,204.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 032-1
$1,596.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 035
$1,686.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 035-1-4
$1,420.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 036
$1,660.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 037
$2,154.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 040
$1,974.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 040-4
$1,884.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 042
$2,112.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 043
$2,138.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 044
$1,022.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 044-1
$1,190.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 044-4
$934.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Chest 8806 by TR
$2,450.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Door Chest 062-1
$2,142.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Double Chest 055
$2,980.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Gentleman’s Chest by TR
$3,110.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Gentlemens Chest 062
$2,096.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek His and Hers Chest 051
$2,660.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Lingerie Chest 023
$1,390.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Lingerie Chest 024
$1,480.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Lingerie Chest by TR
$2,010.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Media Chest 032-2
$1,610.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Mule Chest 053
$4,425.00 Select options -
Boulder Creek Mule Chest 054
$4,475.00 Select options -
Breckenridge Chest
$2,704.00 Select options -
Breckenridge Chifferobe
$4,040.00 Select options -
Breckenridge Door Chest
$2,828.00 Select options -
Bridgeview Chest
$2,505.00 Select options -
Bungalow Chest BUC6
$2,684.00 Select options -
Bungalow Door Chest BUDOC
$2,982.00 Select options -
Bungalow Lingerie Chest BULC
$2,062.00 Select options -
Cambridge Chest TR5806
$2,604.00 Select options -
Cambridge Gentleman’s Chest TR5803
$3,250.00 Select options -
Carlisle Blanket Chest 044
$1,012.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 023
$1,260.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 024
$1,350.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 032-1
$1,476.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 032-2
$1,490.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 035
$1,476.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 036
$1,500.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 040
$1,754.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 040-2
$1,760.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 042
$1,862.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 043
$1,898.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 053
$3,765.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 054
$3,980.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest 055
$2,800.00 Select options -
Carlisle Chest on Chest 037
$1,894.00 Select options -
Carlisle Child’s Chest 032
$1,270.00 Select options -
Carlisle Gentleman’s Chest 062
$1,856.00 Select options -
Carlisle His and Hers Chest
$2,178.00 Select options -
Charleston Door Chest CHDOC
$2,994.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh 7 Drawer Chest JRCS 035
$1,736.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 023
$1,630.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 032
$1,676.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 032-1
$1,844.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 032-2
$1,802.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 039
$2,344.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 040
$1,894.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 042
$2,022.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 044
$1,072.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 051
$2,750.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 053
$3,945.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 054
$4,200.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Chest 055
$2,930.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Gentleman’s Chest 062
$2,054.00 Select options -
Chippewa Sleigh Lingerie Chest 6 Drawer JRCS 024
$1,770.00 Select options -
Colebrook His and Hers Chest
$3,020.00 Select options -
Colebrook Lingerie Chest
$2,302.00 Select options -
Denver Chest 035
$1,556.00 Select options -
Denver Chest 036
$1,530.00 Select options -
Denver Chest 040
$1,784.00 Select options -
Denver Chest 040-4
$1,684.00 Select options -
Denver Child’s Chest 032-1
$1,476.00 Select options -
Denver Gentleman’s Chest 062
$2,016.00 Select options -
Denver Media Chest 032-2
$1,490.00 Select options -
Dumont 11 Drawer Dresser Double Chest – 055
$3,200.00 Select options -
Dumont 4 Drawer Chest 036
$1,725.00 Select options -
Dumont 6 Drawer Chest 040
$2,000.00 Select options -
Dumont Blanket Chest 044
$1,130.00 Select options -
Dumont Gentleman’s Chest JRD-062
$2,450.00 Select options -
Durham Chest DUC5
$2,386.00 Select options -
Ellington Chest of Drawers TR404
$1,998.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 023
$1,390.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 024
$1,480.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 032
$1,400.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 032-1
$1,596.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 035
$1,746.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 040
$1,934.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 042
$2,112.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 043
$2,188.00 Select options -
Empire Chest 044
$1,002.00 Select options -
Empire Double Chest 055
$3,040.00 Select options -
Empire Gentleman’s Chest 062
$2,096.00 Select options -
Empire His & Hers Chest 051
$2,720.00 Select options -
Empire Media Chest 051-2
$1,720.00 Select options -
Empire Mule Chest 053
$4,230.00 Select options -
Empire Mule Chest 054
$4,490.00 Select options -
Encada 5 Drawer Chest
$2,646.00 Select options -
Encada Blanket Chest ENBC
$1,374.00 Select options -
Farmhouse Chest FHC5
$2,516.00 Select options -
Farmhouse Chifferobe
$4,056.00 Select options -
Finland 2 Drawer Media Chest 051-2
$1,374.00 Select options -
Finland 4 Drawer Chest 035-1-4
$1,370.00 Select options -
Finland 6 Drawer Chest 040
$1,724.00 Select options -
Finland 6 Drawer Chest 040-4
$1,654.00 Select options -
Finland 7 Drawer Chest 042
$1,812.00 Select options -
Finland 9 Drawer Chest 043
$1,848.00 Select options -
Finland Blanket Chest 044
$982.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 032
$1,210.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 032-1
$1,426.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 032-2
$1,430.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 035
$1,436.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 037
$1,834.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 040-2
$1,690.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 051-2
$1,374.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 054
$3,732.00 Select options -
Finland Chest 055
$2,586.00 Select options -
Finland Gentleman’s Chest 062
$1,846.00 Select options -
Finland His and Hers Chest 051
$2,148.00 Select options -
Finland Lingerie Chest 023
$1,200.00 Select options -
Finland Lingerie Chest 024
$1,290.00 Select options -
Finland Mule Chest 053
$3,520.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 024
$1,290.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 032
$1,210.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 032-1
$1,426.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 035
$1,436.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 040
$1,684.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 042
$1,812.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 043
$1,848.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 044
$952.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 053
$3,520.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest 055
$2,586.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Chest on Chest 037
$1,834.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Gentleman’s Chest 062
$1,846.00 Select options -
Flush Mission His and Hers Chest 051
$2,148.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Lingerie Chest 023
$1,200.00 Select options -
Flush Mission Mule Chest 054
$3,732.00 Select options -
Francine Chest FRC6
$2,762.00 Select options -
Hamilton Court Chest HCC6
$2,188.00 Select options -
Hamilton Court Door Chest HCDOC
$2,964.00 Select options -
Heidi 11 Drawer Double Chest 055
$2,916.00 Select options -
Heidi 2 Drawer Media Chest 051-2
$1,724.00 Select options -
Heidi 4 Drawer Child’s Chest 032
$1,400.00 Select options -
Heidi 4 Drawer Dresser 036
$1,720.00 Select options -
Heidi 4 Drawer Media Chest 032-2
$1,610.00 Select options -
Heidi 5 Drawer Chest 035-4
$1,626.00 Select options -
Heidi 5 Drawer Child’s Chest 032-1
$1,596.00 Select options -
Heidi 5 Drawer Lingerie Chest 023
$1,390.00 Select options -
Heidi 6 Drawer Lingerie Chest 024
$1,480.00 Select options -
Heidi Blanket Chest 044
$1,002.00 Select options -
Heidi Chest 035
$1,746.00 Select options -
Heidi Chest 040
$1,934.00 Select options -
Heidi Chest 042
$2,112.00 Select options -
Heidi Deluxe Mule Chest 054
$4,392.00 Select options -
Heidi Gentleman’s Chest 062
$2,096.00 Select options -
Heidi His and Her’s Chest 051
$2,628.00 Select options -
Heidi Mule Chest 053
$4,120.00 Select options -
Heritage 9 Drawer Mule Dresser JRH 058
$2,038.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 023
$1,210.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 024
$1,300.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 032
$1,220.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 032-1
$1,436.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 035
$1,446.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 037
$1,854.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 039
$2,092.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 040
$1,694.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 042
$2,032.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 043
$2,028.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 044
$1,022.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 053
$3,520.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 054
$3,732.00 Select options -
Heritage Chest 062
$1,846.00 Select options